Mont Alban and Mitla

Sunday 3 November 2013
Got up early and were on the road by 8:00am.  We had a lot to do.  Was at Mont Alban at 8:30.  This was the big pre-hispanic city in the Oaxaca area, about 10km outside of town.  Wow!  Really something special.  The city thrived for over 1500 years and then went into decline just before the around about the time the Spanish turned up.  They’re not sure why they abandoned the city.  Maybe white diseases came overland before the Spanish even arrived in the area.  Another spectacular ruin. 

If you go to Dan Murphy you can get Mont Alban Mezcal, but we couldn’t see any in the area because it’s cheap crap and the locals don’t buy it, without the worm in it.

Then we went to another archaeological site called Mitla.  Small but absolutely beautiful.  All these geometric shapes on the buildings.