A Tuk-Tuk with Wings

Sunday 10 November 2013
Nothing much to report today. Only travelling from Flores Guatemala to Cancun to start our next leg of our holiday – seeing all the Yucatan Peninsula pyramids (well at least a lot of them).  Get to the airport; small airplane.  Makes me a bit scared.  Trevor says, “that’s not our airplane,” and points to a much smaller plane, “that’s our airplane.  And they have the hood up and are checking the engine.”  I thought he was joking at first.  But he wasn't, it was the small plane alright.  Then Trevor said he saw the mechanic bang the engine with a spanner, shrug his shoulders, and shut the hood.  It was a bit scary.  The weather wasn’t good and we were going up in a tiny plane that looked like a tuk-tuk with wings.  Whenever you hear the words ‘light plane’ it’s usually followed by the word ‘crash’.

So we get in.  The plane is booked to capacity – eleven passengers!  We sit at the back.  I was a little trepidatious.  Actually quite a bit.  Trevor loved it.  The view from the plane was excellent, much better than a normal plane.  Land safely and easily in Belize.  Good.  Feel better now.  Next leg, Belize to Cancun.  Same kind of plane.  This time only four passengers.  WTF?

We sat right up the front, just behind the pilot and co-pilot.  Fascinating.  Scary.  Well, the pilots looked totally relaxed.  Made me feel relaxed too.  Then we flew into a massive tropical storm; we could see the pilots instruments – the rain radar shows the maximum setting on the scale; it’s pissing down.  
Me in front of the 'plane'.
Full plane.
Second plane.
Rain radar in the cockpit. (Actually the whole plane is the cockpit).

I was a little freaked.  So we go through the rain; pelting down on the windows.  Imagine a big storm and you’re driving on the freeway and you can’t see anything because the rain is coming down so fast and hard – then multiple that by one thousand.  Scary.  Got through that and the rest of the flight was smooth sailing.  Get to Cancun and we can see the runway from the window.  Just like a simulator – only not.  Perfectly smooth landing.  Yay.

Land in the ‘private jet’ area of the Cancun airport, get to the ‘private immigration’ office – never gotten through all that rubbish so quickly.  For once a good day at the airport.